Who here doesn't like Fuecoco?

There are the Sprigatito haters and they're all like "EWW, I don't want another bipedal furry starter, Incineroar already exists and there's already so much nasty stuff on the internet about this weed cat, I just wanna enjoy my pokemon game!"

Then the Quaxly haters are all like "EWW, Donald Duck in my pokemon game? Gamefreak has lost all of its creativity and has resorted to putting Disney characters in its games, what's the point in getting any more pokemon games if the designs are sooo unoriginal?!"

And then you have Fuecoco and... nobody hates it, I mean yeah it kinda do look like the imposter from Among Us, but Amoonguss is already in swsh and he looks pretty sus and don't even get me started on the Zodiac tho, it's either the Ox because male crocodiles are called bulls, or the Snake because it pulls a Snivy and loses its limbs to transform into Quetzalcoatl or something

My point is, is there anyone who genuinely dislikes Fuecoco?