Gamora look like Greta Gerwig?
Need someone to Photoshop Greta with Gamora's skin/hair.
Ever since I played the game, I haven't been able to shake off the feeling that Gamora's face resembles someone else. Possibly a IRL celebrity. I recently came across a few community members who felt she looks like Cobie Smulders, and I did give that a fair bit of thought, but I still felt like that's not quite the person I'm looking for.
Today I suddenly thought of Greta Gerwig, and then I compared faces. I still don't know if that's the person I have subconsciously been thinking of, so I wanted to know what you all think.
Because Gamora's face m0del + design for this game is just incredible. There's something so lifelike about her, and it is in part also because the actress Kimberly-Sue Murray has such a rich performance - her acting is so... Non-video-game-y. And I love how the facial performance capture for this game preserves every nostril flair and lip articulation. I absolutely did not expect Gamora to have this much nuance in this game. They didn't distill her into a cliche idea of an irritable femme fatale that is painfully common in games & movies with such characters, because it's the most convenient personality trait writers can come up with. She has several moments of levity, she has a really distinct way of shouting during gameplay, and I LOVE the running gag in the game that whenever Quill catches her meditating, her dialogue delivery totally switches up and it becomes ominously pensive LMAOOO
But I still think it seems lifelike to me because it's reminding me of a real life person that I've watched. Come to think of it, if you've ever heard Greta Gerwig speak, you'll realise something similarity in the speech as well.
Again, if you can think of anyone else Gamora resembles, not just apperance-wise, but even personality-wise or mannerisms-wise, do remind me.