Rhinoplasty in Korea (My Before and After)

I got rhinoplasty in Korea back in 2016. I had a bulbous nose, a slight hump, and a very low bridge.

I really wanted to make my nose less flat and wide, so I was also hoping for an alar reduction. But as you can see in photo 2, my nostrils are extremely thin. The doctor advised against it since I would probably have trouble breathing if they made my nostrils even narrower! (I did notice that I get less air through my nose after the surgery.)

The doctor also recommended a lower bridge implant (I can’t remember what the exact number was) because my forehead is flat and too high of a bridge would look weird.

My nose didn’t turn out exactly the way I want it to, but I think the doctor did the best he could with the nose I already had. I’m very happy with my side profile. I still have a small scar below my tip, but nobody looks at the bottom of my nose so I don’t really care.

I think I paid around 2,500,000won at the time (around 1700 USD).