liposuction/ BBL post op review
these pics were about 2 weeks post op, I’m Now almost 6 weeks p/o and just wana say…. Omg the pain was absolutely worse than I thought it was going to be. originally wasn’t going to do the bbl but decided on the DAY OF which was insane but I trusted my surgeon. This prob made it 100x harder to recover being both….. for the first week I was soooooo depressed and thought I would never feel better but OMG. So happy!!!!!!! I used to not be able to even look at myself in the mirror and now I can 😭😭😭 clothes fit so much better and I don’t have to change my outfit 400000x before going out. so happy with my surgeon he’s beeen incredible in the whole process. would do it again in a heartbeat. If anyone has any questions please ask away bc I was sooooo lost before I had it!!!