Has anyone actually had a "piercing bump" go down?

I had an industrial with "irritation bumps" and despite intervention from my reputable piercer and steroid shots, it never went down. Its been 5 years since the piercing came out.

I now have a conch piercing that it developing a bump after an accidental snagwithin the last 2 days, and is crusting more than usual, 5 months since the piercing today.

Please tell me I am not doomed to lumpy ears and that these bumps can actually go down. Lol

UPDATE: I took my conch out after a month/two months of BABYYYYING that thing with no progress. After taking the jewelry out, the bump disappeared COMPLETELY not even a mark after a couple of months.

I also decided a final shot at ear piercings, with a front helix. I followed all proper care instructions along with going to a very reputable piercer, downsizing when appropriate and using correct jewelry, no sleeping on it. A BUMP FORMED and only grew after 2 months. Took the jewelry out, and the bump/scar is no more, as if I never had it.

TL;DR I could never get bumps to go away with jewelry in, but once removed, they were gone.