Grown adults not being able to differentiate between “Your” and “you’re” or “to” and “too”
I mean seriously. Do you have an education past third grade? I’m not even talking about young kids on a game or something, these are grown adults saying these things. It’s so simple, and then some people (mostly on Reddit) start saying it’s Reddit and they don’t need spelling or grammar. It’s literally the most basic thing you learn, if I see “this is just to much” or “your annoying” or something similar I’m going to go crazy. It just makes you look uneducated and it requires little effort (unless you’re dyslexic or some other circumstance like you aren’t a native English speaker), just put in the extra .2 seconds of time.
No, I don’t care if it’s generic or boring or posted too often, I think this is my first post here and you don’t have to click the post if you don’t want to.
Edit: a lot of people are exaggerating this (and I’ll admit, I did exaggerate it in my post). Yes, some people make mistakes. It’s ok. It’s not like my only judgment of your value or intelligence is whether you make a spelling mistake or not. It’s not THAT serious. Now that I’m reading it back again, I realize it was too harsh