Mortgage advice

I currently have 2 mortgages fixed with ASB.

Both are 18 months into a 3 year fixed term, and it’s occurred to me that I will be due to re-fix both right before our next election, a time in which everyone is unsure of what the future will bring, and traditionally options are quite conservative.

I’d like to break and refix prior to this, however I’m not sure when the right time to break is, or what the break fees etc would look like for me.

Mortgage A - $170,000 6.59% due to expire 12.10.2026

Mortgage B - $365,700 6.85% due to expire 9.10.2026

I have been with ASB my whole life, and I’d like to stay with them for convenience and loyalty more than anything, but would I be in a better position if I switched mortgage providers?

What would you do in my situation? Any advice would be welcomed, Thanks