Ciao Payload, a brief story from an italian frontend dev.
Hi, I'm Antonio, a frontend developer (formerly a UX designer). Over the past two years, I’ve taken my first steps into coding. When I started my web development journey, I began with basic HTML and CSS. However, I quickly realized I needed something that worked more like the tools I was familiar with. That’s when I discovered Astro, and it turned out to be the perfect solution. Through Astro, I could learn multiple frameworks—React, Vite, plain JavaScript, HTML, Tailwind, and more.
I eventually made the switch and changed careers. After gaining my first clients, I encountered a roadblock: I needed a CMS. I was looking for a CMS that wasn’t too complex to set up and offered a blank slate to start with. I found everything I needed in Payload CMS v3.0.
Using Payload, I’ve completed two projects so far:
A basic website with a blog and a form to save submissions.
A museum ticketing website featuring different emails for various order statuses, QR code generation for tickets, and a QR code validator integrated into the admin panel.
When I started, I had no knowledge of how a backend should work, but Payload really helped me along the way.
I truly appreciate your work and am very excited about a stable release of v3. I’m especially eager to see the ecommerce template become available as soon as possible because I’d love to explore the new features.
Below are links to my websites (which are currently under construction) for anyone interested in providing feedback:
The Museum booking website
some screenshot of the booking validation made with react-qr and Html5 qr
The simple Blog
(both are Astro site hosted on Cloudflare Pages, the CMS is Payload v3.0 for both hosted on Netlify)