My video got blocked due to copyright claims. I disputed but was rejected. I appealed and then received a copyright strike. Should I submit a counter notification?

The video I made was called “AKIRA: The Art of Creation” and it was an hour-long video I made in 2021 where I analyzed the movie and manga “Akira”. The 20-page long script I wrote can be found here:

The video can actually still be found in three parts on my channel (@thelocalmangaka). Part 1 here: <link redacted cuz my original Reddit post got auto-deleted, but it’s pretty easy to search>

However, the original 1-hour long video was the source of most views (had about 40k views before it was removed completely by copyright strike).

I spent several months making that video and I also never made a single cent from it due to copyright claims (on the music, not the videos clips). I also made this video almost four years ago, and never had a problem until now.

Yes, my video used clips and images from both the movie and manga “AKIRA”, and also from other documentaries related to it. But every clip was presented with the context of my narration, and sequenced to matched the rhythm and content of my narration.

And so I feel like it should fall squarely under “Fair Use”. There are other much bigger channels like “Super Eyepatch Wolf” who do the exact same thing but their videos are still up.

So I’m wondering if I should submit a counter notification. I’m just afraid of bigger consequences like being sued or having my account terminated. Does anyone else have experience with submitting counter notifications, or copyright claims from Kodansha? Thanks.