How are there so many SAHMs in this economy?

I truly don’t understand how anyone makes it on one income unless you’re a doctor or CEO. Is it credit card debt???

Base pay $150,000 After tax $112,000 Monthly $9,333 Health insurance -$620 401(k) -$650 E29s -$150 Mortgage -$1440 Car -$334 (15 months remaining) Car insurance -$65 Daycare -$3080 Gym -$45 Streaming services -$130 (ridiculous but have lost this argument with my husband even though we collectively as a family watch probably 5 hours or less of tv per week) Gymnastics tuition -$100 Food -$800 (spend more than this) Gas -$140 Medication -$290 (actually higher because health insurance is a scam) Internet -$65 Utilities -$350 (last month was $480)

Amount available $1074

Stuff always comes up. Over $400 in doctor visit copays and it’s not even quite the end of Q1. Vet once per year $600. Constant baby showers, weddings, kids birthday parties to buy presents for. The book fair at daycare. Have to pay for a certified copy of a birth certificate for Real ID. Oil changes, new tires.

Obviously there’s plenty here that are not “needs.” But that’s why we both work, so we can pay for things like superfluous tv subscriptions and gymnastics.