Toddler is destructive and at my wits end.
My 3 year old toddler has become destructive in the last six months. No new routines to schedules or events happening in our life.
She will kick punch bite and throw things when she has told him no to certain things she wants to do or if a sibling sets her off by taking a toy.
Time out were useless but I have been removing her until she calms down and then she can rejoin play. I’ve been giving lots of natural consequences like you throw this toy. I take it. Most times she takes me up on the offer and throws it after immediately hearing that.
She does not seem to have any other signs of disabilities other than this.
My question is: when she is going ballistic what do I do? Remove her to a padded room? She’s throwing anything she can get her hands on. When I put her in a room to Protect myself from the mayhem. She kicks the door. Sometimes she will calm down. Other times not.