Do parenting classes for older kids exist?

I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for. I have twin 6 year old boys. The anger and big emotions and defiance has been out of control lately. Anxiety is another big issue too. Both boys are currently in play therapy for these issues. We also just did an evaluation with our pediatrician for ADHD but he says he doesn’t suspect this to be the case.

I’m feeling more at a loss than ever. But I know I could be a better parent. I know I have my own shortcomings that are not helping the situation. I’ve yelled more often than I wanted to lately. I’ve fought and argued with my kids more than I ever thought I would. I’ve lost my patience so much lately. So while I’m getting help for my kids I feel like I need help for myself too. I’ve read lots of parenting books, but I feel so overwhelmed with all the conflicting or different ideas as information. Do parenting classes for this kind of thing/older kids exist? Or is therapy the route for me?