Am I being too sensitive about my 12yo daughter?

I find myself in a tough spot with my oldest daughter. We had a great relationship when she was younger, but since around 9 or 10 we've kind of grown apart.

It doesn't help that we don't have a lot of common interests and I tend to be the strict parent, but I feel like as of late it's kind of escalated.

For a while now I've learned not to try 'too hard'. But she does not seem to have any interest in having a relationship. I'm fine with this (I don't want to force anything), but she's soooo aloof that it kind of bothers me.

For example, in the morning she won't even say hi or talk to me unless she needs something from me. No good mornings, no nothing. She'll interact with the dog, but it's as if I don't exist.

I know she's not being spiteful (I mean she's grumpy all the time, so it's hard to really tell). However, it's still very hurtful, and to be honest, I'm kinda pissed, I'm having a hard time taking the high-road. I'm more like, 'fine, you wanna play it that way, be a little brat and see where that gets you...'

Anyway, just needed to get that out.