Daughter told dad she doesn’t like me
My husband told me that when he picked up our daughter from school yesterday she said “I like you Daddy, I don’t like Mommy”. I’m completely heartbroken, and feel like I’ve failed as a parent.
She’s four, almost five and I do everything I can for her. I don’t think I’m a bad mom. I am the “strict one” though, my husband has no rules and if I don’t speak up about things no one will. Little things like cleaning up toys, table manners etc he won’t react at all and I’m the only one who teaches her anything. I could also be the fun one but then she’d have no one teaching her how to behave at all.
I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place with the discipline / teaching. At the same time I’m devastated about this.
How do I fix this? I feel some something is broken and it hurts my heart.
ETA Since people have asked, I am super loving and cuddly, I tell her I love her and that I’m proud of her all the time. I tickle, play, read and try to do activities with her when we find the time. I do all the planning for various events, activities/ classes, her birthday party etc. I am also the one that tries to teach correct behavior. My husband doesn’t notice/react. It’s not willful and he is a great dad, he is just not capable of keeping track of little things they are doing wrong. And maybe I’m too aware of these things and should just let them go.