15yo daughters boyfriend is abusive.
Okay yall, so my teenager (15) has this boyfriend(15), he's not so great, lots of red flags, constantly makes my kid cry, tells her how she should dress, calls her names, then love bombs her when he wants to get his way. his family is hella conservative and religious (his dad is the pastor for the local mega church) and they do NOT like me, as i am the polar opposite of them, so speaking with them is off the table. At 15, i feel like, as a parent, I should put my foot down and be like "hey, no this isn't right, I'm stepping in and this is done. I'm not allowing you to be gaslit, abused and manipulated by some 15yo boy" but also don't know if this is the right course of action. He's pressured her into sexual things, trash talked her career choices, ran off so many of her friends, the list literally goes on. And she isn't very receptive to ANYONE talking to her about it, that's half the reason she dropped some of her friends, because they would call out his BS and tell her "hey, that isn't right". What can/should I do? I've tried explaining all of this to her, and every time I say "hey, you don't deserve that" or "you know, that's a big red flag" she makes excuses for his behavior. I'm lost and dont know how to parent this age/these situations tbh. I have no other parental figures in my life so I don't really have anyone else to ask or seek advice from either.