My ongoing experience with PVCs (I think they’re that.)
I’m 20. Never been cardiac, ever, haven’t known any underlying issues up to last year, at the very end of the summer.
There was this one night I recall very vividly, where I’d stayed up to 5 in the morning (something I didn’t do on a daily basis but have done before occasionally) to work on a passion project.
As per usual, when I felt I lacked the energy to continue, I called it quits and went to bed. It’s there that it began. All of a sudden, a flutter in my heart (that felt like a skipped beat taking the breath out of me) was jerking me awake every minute or so. Didn’t get a second of sleep that night, had some sort of panic attack which was my first and only incidence ever of one. Not a good experience.
The feeling vanished the next day after a nap, and I did not feel it again for a good three months. In November, as I was heading to sleep, it caught me again, the same feeling, this time without the whole breathtaking part. I slept through it forcefully. Upon waking up, it was still there. Decided I’d go to a cardiologist. She hooks me up to an ECG, but by the time I’m there, my heart has gone back to normal, and nothing comes back on the results.
She suggests I might have PVCs but rules out any danger due to my age. She did ask if I were physically active, to which I responded that I wasn’t, for the most part, though I do walk a lot on most days. She said that was enough, but that I should still visit again if I planned on starting to exercise for good (I’m planning on doing that in a couple of weeks)
Around that time, I read about magnesium and decided to give it a try. Magnesium Citrate quite literally nuked my bowels, so I switched to Oxide and that didn’t do much to fix the PVCs.
In January, they vanished again without a trace. I’d forgotten about the feeling at some point. Until this week.
For the past six days, I have been getting them every single time I wake up from sleep of any sort, at night, short nap, or even drowsy eye closure for a few seconds. They then stay for four, five hours throughout the day, until they go away, to be triggered again the next time I wake up from slumber.
I’m having them right now as we speak.
Any insight would be appreciated. These aren’t so much life-ruining as other conditions could be, but I do wish I didn’t have to stay wondering whether these are detrimental to my health or not.