I got threatened..
I got threatened today by a PuBG tournament player, that if I don't let him into my account, he will ruin my life, he will fvck me, he will destroy me, and steal my account? I'm not scared of him. My account got stolen before and I easily got it back.
I did make the stupid mistake of letting him into my account to play around. But as I said, I can easily get my account back.
It's just the things he threatened about. He said he'd reset my phone, my tablet, hack into my bank account and steal all my money (all NEGATIVE 9,13 euros).
The reason he wants to play on my account so badly is because, according to him, I have rare skins, quite some fully upgraded weapons, and almost 400 mythic outfits.
My questions are:
I have screenshots of his messages (they're all in Turkish) (Türk olan varsa ekleyebilirim ssleri) and screen recorded the messages. Is there someone I can send them to? Someone from PuBG? Someone in charge of the tournaments so they know what kind of people join their tournaments?
Even though I'm not scared, he can't do shit, right? It's all just barking no biting?