Progressive skin rant

I got the progressive m24 skin and levelling it up has to be one of the worst experiences in this game. Why tf does it take a billion polymers to level up the gun, let alone the fact that since pulling it I’ve only gotten a singular schematic, and have basically been coasting off what I had pulled before. And I’ve spent a decent amount on this game ($100 I’d guess) and it’s taking me forever to grind this out.

It would be soooo much better if to level it up you had to actually use the gun. Imagine to get to the next level you had to do goofy stuff like point blank kills with the sniper or something like that, even just basic kill or damage challenges would be fun and feel more like your actually progressing rather than an endless grind. But get your money I guess, I’m sure people spend hundreds levelling progressives so we ain’t gonna see any cool systems with it anytime soon.