This game need deck searchers like Yu gi oh
Premise: I don t know if It s the right word to call what i mean.
Sometimes in my days i have some spare minutes then decide to get a random game in Pokemon Pocket. Then can happen that I have a good type match, like my water vs fire, or a bad one, but that s ok, at least for me.
Then can also happen something like: irrecuperabile bad first hand and no doc oak, only one base mon and opponent with kangaskhan, just random and mixed evo and no base forms matched,, not to mention the infamious Misty/Articuno combo or other gamebreaking stuff; often I get (semi)condamned just by the starting turn order. And the feeling It s like I have totally thrown away some minutes, and i m not very ok with It.
I understand that, in a game where a Coin gets flipped so often, luck may be a factor pretty relevantl, but at the end of the day this Is a card game that half of the times just feels like some sort of "Coin flipping game".
I tought that the gameplay might benefit from the introduction of some cards that let you prevent this kind of dead end situations, like card that let you build your strategy even if loosing a turn, but at least not a game.. I mean more cards like the ones in yu gi oh that let you search in the deck for what you need to build your strategy on board.
This Is just my suggestion, to move the game in a still fast paced direction but more organic with the deck and less luck based way. Maybe there are already some solutions that I can t see now, maybe we already have these cards or maybe It s not a big problem after all, so i d love to ear yours