No EX deck (potentially educational guide)

Greetings fellow PTCGP enthusiasts! Here I have a new deck I wanna share with you that completely breaks the current META. It's a no EX toolbox style deck that offers an answer to anything the opponent might throw at you.

The win condition of our deck is Dragonite, we have two of them to increase the chances of getting them early. We skip over the first two evolution stages because they're weak and don't really contribute much in this archetype.

The quirky part is that we don't generate water or electric energy at all as currently having more than one energy being generated is very inconsistent and this deck is all about consistency! To fuel our Dragonite we use an insane combo of Manaphy and Magneton. Manaphy needs one water energy to generate more, hence why we have Misty to provide it. Even though we placed Manaphy as the first card meaning that we'll always have it in hand at the start, there's no way of guaranteeing that we'll also have Misty, however, this is the genius part - our second energy generator (Magneton) is also a heavy damage dealer and works as a secondary win condition.

Magneton is a self sufficient card that produces its own electric energy and using Dawn we can give that energy to Dragonite. If by any stroke of misfortune we don't have a Dragonite on the bench, we can just evolve Magneton into Mangnezone. For this deck we opted for the Mangnezone from the latest pack because it synergizes with Arceus which makes it nigh impervious to damage while also providing steel typing to hit those pesky fairy types that have been running around the current META with super effective damage!

Now, you might've noticed that we haven't mentioned any good early game cards that can provide pressure at the start of the game. Here's where the double Bidoof comes into play. Apparently the whole community missed out on the memo but double Bidoof can 2HKO ANYTHING. Hitting the opponent's pokemon with Bidoof takes away 50% of its hitpoints, meaning that all you need is 2 hits to kill anything! First Bidoof is dead? Another one is locked and loaded to finish the deed! The beautiful part is that Bidoof takes ANY energy type so you can pull some real clutch moves with Dawn to surprise your opponents.

Now we come to the question, if a deck is already self sufficient with energy, what energy should we generate? Well, to make this deck PERFECT we went for psychic energy to fuel Mew EX. The beautiful part is that nobody expects an EX card in a no EX deck, Mew EX is a fantastic wall at the start with a good 20dmg attack for just one psychic energy and with an incredible ability copy attacks from your opponent's active pokemon.

The Mew EX also plays into this deck's engine structure. We have two Mythical Slabs alongside Pokedex which means that we can use the Slabs to control what cards we draw by either pulling out Mew EX or simply evading the fortune prophesied to us by the Pokedex. Hand scope is also here to provide us with knowledge of our opponent's fortune which is useful if you have any rituals you like to perform during the game to mess with their luck (such as aggressively tapping their deck during their turn). I know it may sound superstitious, but it works, if you're a nonbeliever then just leave this card out.

Besides Dawn, which we already discussed, we have two copies of Cyrus because Cyrus is the new Professor Oak at this point, it's self explanatory, and Celestic Town Elder (or Geriatric as the pros call it). The Geriatric is here to pull out from the graveyard any cards you might've lost or to simply reuse a failed Misty (extremely rare).

Lastly, you might've noticed that we don't run any PokeBalls or Professor Oaks, this is because this is a 19 card deck. Having less cards means that the deck is thinned out and you have higher chances of getting the cards you need. You can experiment with removing additional cards from the deck, but so far I had most success with the exact version I posted.

Hope this was useful and educational, good luck with this!

PS: ¿Technically speaking, this is satire?

Greetings fellow PTCGP enthusiasts! Here I have a new deck I wanna share with you that completely breaks the current META. It's a no EX toolbox style deck that offers an answer to anything the opponent might throw at you.

The win condition of our deck is Dragonite, we have two of them to increase the chances of getting them early. We skip over the first two evolution stages because they're weak and don't really contribute much in this archetype.

The quirky part is that we don't generate water or electric energy at all as currently having more than one energy being generated is very inconsistent and this deck is all about consistency! To fuel our Dragonite we use an insane combo of Manaphy and Magneton. Manaphy needs one water energy to generate more, hence why we have Misty to provide it. Even though we placed Manaphy as the first card meaning that we'll always have it in hand at the start, there's no way of guaranteeing that we'll also have Misty, however, this is the genius part - our second energy generator (Magneton) is also a heavy damage dealer and works as a secondary win condition.

Magneton is a self sufficient card that produces its own electric energy and using Dawn we can give that energy to Dragonite. If by any stroke of misfortune we don't have a Dragonite on the bench, we can just evolve Magneton into Mangnezone. For this deck we opted for the Mangnezone from the latest pack because it synergizes with Arceus which makes it nigh impervious to damage while also providing steel typing to hit those pesky fairy types that have been running around the current META with super effective damage!

Now, you might've noticed that we haven't mentioned any good early game cards that can provide pressure at the start of the game. Here's where the double Bidoof comes into play. Apparently the whole community missed out on the memo but double Bidoof can 2HKO ANYTHING. Hitting the opponent's pokemon with Bidoof takes away 50% of its hitpoints, meaning that all you need is 2 hits to kill anything! First Bidoof is dead? Another one is locked and loaded to finish the deed! The beautiful part is that Bidoof takes ANY energy type so you can pull some real clutch moves with Dawn to surprise your opponents.

Now we come to the question, if a deck is already self sufficient with energy, what energy should we generate? Well, to make this deck PERFECT we went for psychic energy to fuel Mew EX. The beautiful part is that nobody expects an EX card in a no EX deck, Mew EX is a fantastic wall at the start with a good 20dmg attack for just one psychic energy and with an incredible ability copy attacks from your opponent's active pokemon.

The Mew EX also plays into this deck's engine structure. We have two Mythical Slabs alongside Pokedex which means that we can use the Slabs to control what cards we draw by either pulling out Mew EX or simply evading the fortune prophesied to us by the Pokedex. Hand scope is also here to provide us with knowledge of our opponent's fortune which is useful if you have any rituals you like to perform during the game to mess with their luck (such as aggressively tapping their deck during their turn). I know it may sound superstitious, but it works, if you're a nonbeliever then just leave this card out.

Besides Dawn, which we already discussed, we have two copies of Cyrus because Cyrus is the new Professor Oak at this point, it's self explanatory, and Celestic Town Elder (or Geriatric as the pros call it). The Geriatric is here to pull out from the graveyard any cards you might've lost or to simply reuse a failed Misty (extremely rare).

Lastly, you might've noticed that we don't run any PokeBalls or Professor Oaks, this is because this is a 19 card deck. Having less cards means that the deck is thinned out and you have higher chances of getting the cards you need. You can experiment with removing additional cards from the deck, but so far I had most success with the exact version I posted.

Hope this was useful and educational, good luck with this!

PS: ¿Technically speaking, this is satire?