Hot take: I really don't think the trading stuff is THAT bad.
It's definitely more expensive than I would like, and more expensive than it should be, but hear me out. I just turned in a bunch of 3 diamond cards, got enough to trade for the last ex card I need from Mythical Island, and I still have tons of 3 diamonds to turn in if I want to trade more. Free to play player by the way.
It's definitely not ideal, and it's annoying to have to trade in those 3 diamond cards all individually, but I'm assuming most of you have plenty to turn in for trade currency. Generally I would assume that if you have enough cards to use for trade fodder, you probably aren't missing that many either, so what do you need the currency for anyway? And like a ton of other people have said, they don't want you to trade for all the cards. They want you to keep ripping packs. And honestly trading for all the cards you want doesn't sound very fun.
So while I don't think it's ideal, it's not worth quitting over. It really isn't that bad.