7-3 with this trap deck
2x Froakie 2x Frogadier 2x Greninja 2x Ekans 2x Arbok 2x X-Speed 1x Sabrina 2 x Prof. Oak 2x Pokeball 1x Red Card Energy: Water, Dark
This deck is really fun and requires a bit of calculated decisions. Arbok prevents retreat and is good at taking down eX cards. Losses so far have been to 1 Dragonite deck where I had horrible draw luck. And the other 2 were Misty giving Articuno 2-3 energy on turn 1.
(Faced 2 Mewtwo decks, both taken down using Arbok.)
2x Froakie 2x Frogadier 2x Greninja 2x Ekans 2x Arbok 2x X-Speed 1x Sabrina 2 x Prof. Oak 2x Pokeball 1x Red Card Energy: Water, Dark
This deck is really fun and requires a bit of calculated decisions. Arbok prevents retreat and is good at taking down eX cards. Losses so far have been to 1 Dragonite deck where I had horrible draw luck. And the other 2 were Misty giving Articuno 2-3 energy on turn 1.
(Faced 2 Mewtwo decks, both taken down using Arbok.)