How are you guys getting HRT or bio-identical hormones for pmdd?

I’m in the states, and I’ve seen 3 different gynecologists and they all refuse considering HRT treatment, they are only offering BC. They aren’t comfortable because of my age (36).

I lost an ovary at 32 which triggered the onset of pmdd and a slew of other endocrine/hormone related symptoms. I haven’t been able to tolerate any of the birth controls & I’ve tried just about every pill my insurance will cover.

I’m seeing an endocrinologist in July and I am hoping they will consider.

I really think just adding a bit of hormones to mimic whatever my body lost after losing my ovary is really the key.

They always say the same thing, in theory your remaining ovary should compensate, but clearly it’s not! They say it is because I still get my period even tho it comes erratically af, sometimes it comes every 14 days, sometimes I’ll have a 60 days between a cycle, on average it’s about every 26 days.

Pmdd has ruined my life and turned me into a completely different 100% non-sexual version of myself. It’s decreased my ability to function immensely.