Help getting a Spectre Comp XL, without paying the Spectre Comp XL price.
From what I gather...
1) Buy a P365 X Macro Comp. ($700 cheapest I found.)
2) Sell P365 X Macro Comp slide new. 350-400ish?
3) Buy Spectre Comp XL slide, $450.
4) Buy Icarus grip (around $330)
5) Sell X macro grip. ( 25-30? )
I end up with a P365 Spectre Comp slide + Icarus metal grip for 1105.
700+450+330 -350-25 = 1105
Looking for advice on a better path to getting the spectre comp slide. Not a fan of any of the custom slides I googled. (Fdez, Norrso, Zaffiri, Velocity) If I missed any, please let me know.