Rushed endings and stories not being done justice
I have been so let down by some works
- Lady Devil (ending made up by artist since novel wasn’t complete… I don’t believe it was ever supposed to end with them together. It just doesn’t line up with what we were told about John.)
- Kneel Before Me / Obey Me (fascinating story, good yandere concept, ugly art, rushed, incoherent ending)
- Villainess Tames The Beast (tonally off, changed story for the worse, toned down and cut complexity from the original story)
- Villains Behind The Curtains (rushed ending, again nuances and complexity cut to wrap it up quickly)
Holy shit, I forgot about the worst offender: The Blood of Madame Giselle. AHHHHHH
I’m sure there’s more. It’s just pissing me off :( These concepts were just done dirty.
I understand why this happens but it’s still frustrating.