First cycle 34yo, Ostarine 10-15mg daily

Hi guys,

I have started my first sarm cycle 3 weeks ago. I choose Ostarine because I wanted to see how I react on a “milder” Sarm before I try anything else. I also ordered enclomephine which will arrive on wednesday, I will be taking enclo from week 4. I made this post so other people who think about taking sarms for the first time can use it maybe as inspiration or ask me questions about what I personally experience. My age is 34 and I currently weigh 77,1kg at around 13-14% bodyfat. I am 1,83 tall. Been lifting weights for 2,5 years straight.

See the plan below:

Ostarine: Week 1: 10mg ED Week 2: 12,5mg ED Week 3-8: 15mg ED Enclomephine: Week 4: 4mg ED Week 5-10: 6mg ED Of course these numbers could change if needed, but that is the original plan.

Workouts: Upper/lower split: U-L-off-U-L-off and sometimes maybe an extra day off when I feel I should. Training hard and doing about 6-8 sets per muscle per week training to REAL failure on the 2 working/top sets of every exercise.

I will be on a strict diet, and take some supplements to help me stay healthy. Eating healthy is not a problem for me as I have been doing this for over 2 years consistently, and also I have counted my calorie intake for these 2 years straight every day.

Diet: 2800 calories daily (this is about a 300-500 calorie deficit for me) starting with an oatmeal/banana/protein shake, followed by some pasta/wrap with chicken/beef and vegetables for the second and third meal. Drink a lot of water at least 6-8 big glasses a day.

Supplements: NAC: 600mg ED Vitamin/mineral tablet ED Fish oil tablets ED Creatine ED (as I have always been doing)

My experience so far (3 weeks in): - went down from 78,8 to 77,3kg - lost fat very visibly, definitely more than 2 kilo’s of fat - muscles seem slightly bigger and “harder” - more vascular especially in bicep - more muscle definition, first time seeing muscle separation in my legs for example. - feeling my muscles in a way I normally don’t, some kind of soreness but it feels nice tbh. - faster recovery after a workout - some strength gains even tho I am in a deficit for 3 weeks

Side effects? Not really. My vision seems a little off sometimes, like a little blurry at times, but not troubling. I feel fine, not really different than normal.

My hopes for the upcoming weeks: I will be introducing Enclomephine in 1 week to help raise my test levels to get more gains, but also to make sure I do not need a PCT. Of course I am only 3 weeks in the Ostarine -cycle, so the effects will be more noticeable for the weeks to come as is the case with every sarm. That combined with the enclo I am hoping to see more muscle growth than I did so far. So far there definitely has been some muscle growth but I am hoping to gain about 2-4 kilo’s (4-8 pounds) over the whole cycle.

I will be posting my results after the cycle, including the starting point, 4 week marker and the end result.

If anyone has a suggestion for me to improve my health, or to elevate this cycle, please let me know!

Cheers buddy’s