my parents pmo pmo pmo
title sorry i’m acc so pissed off so now it’s not only how prestigious the school is it’s also abt the timing of my offer and they insinuated my offer is gonna be “less than” and is gonna be scraps basically if i get it in april or may which is common for uw and uoft right? anyways i’m acc so done w them all they do is downplay my work like they legit downplayed the 99 on my first calc test and the fact that my eng teacher gave me a freaking 4++ for smt i wrote recently which is Crazy bc english is Usually like a less than 4+ purgatory AND IM TAKING IT IN PERSON i’m acc so sick and tired and nothing i do will be enough cause they also downplayed my uo cs and uw AFM*** sorry offers lol. sorry and like it pmo cause i have adhd ocd and other Shit ive dealt w but im somehow just expected to perform like a neurotypical overachiever Pls buddha strike me down