Who says life is fair?
Some were born smart, others dumb. Some were born in rich families, others poor ones. Some are born in nice neighborhoods, where every kid works hard to be someone, others in slums, where kids are raised to work in shoe stores or pick up garbage. Some go to good schools, others schools where you are expected to be work in a butcher shop.
Thus, some of us are destined to do great things and drive luxury cars. And others are destined to live in poverty and struggle with financial issues daily when they grow up and become independent.
Life is not fair. No one says it is. But what do you do when you are dealt an unfair hand by fate? Just accept it and make the best of your situation. For example, if you are not smart, you probably should be a bricklayer or an electrician, rather than spend 19 hours a day working hard trying to squeeze yourself into UofT or UBC. If you are poor, try to attend the closest institution nearby rather than try to study at Toronto or Vancouver. Do this rather than complain about society, your parents, your school and your neighborhoods.