This is my grades, I am trying to get into health science. What programs do you guys think I can get into to? Also, WHY HAVEN'T I GOTTEN INTO LAURER YET? These are the unis I applied to,

  1. McMaster: Honours Health Science
  2. Western: Health Science with Biology and scholar’s electives 
  3. University of Ottawa: Honours Health Science
  4. Queens: Health Science 
  5. Waterloo: Health Science without COOP
  6. McMaster: Life Sciences
  7. Laurier: Health Science
  8. Waterloo: Life Science (Biomedical Sciences)  
  9. UofT: Life Sciences (Human Biology) 
  10. TMU: Biomedical Sciences
  11. Western: Health Science without-bio
  12. Waterloo: Comp Sciences 
  13. Guelph: One Health without Coop 
  14. Guelph: Biomedical Sciences 
  15. Brock: Honours Medical Sciences 
  16. McMaster: Nursing I