Tinder makes me feel worthless

I'm a healthy weight for a guy in fact i'm in good shape because i've been going to the gym since I was 18 and I'm 26 now. I'm tall (6' 3), have a decent hair cut, good straight teeth and my face isn't strikingly handsome but there's nothing wrong with it either. Yet it's not unusual for me to open tinder and get no matches in a day even if I swipe left on girls out of my league and only swipe right on girls I think I have a chance of matching with. It honestly makes me start to question my attractiveness and think I must be so unattractive to not match with any of these girls and in turn it affects me in real life cus I know I don't match with 90% of girls so if I'm wondering if a girl might likes me or if I have a chance with her I just think "she would swipe left on me" and I lose any confidence to talk to her.

Then I see a profile of a girl that is like me but in a girls body (equal attractiveness level). So she's tall for a girl, in shape and has a normal face and I just know she'd swipe left on me and get 10 times as many matches as I get. Then she'll complain her matches don't treat her well or don't want to commit when really she should be matching with guys like me.