Hags, Covens, and Ogre Magi
I love the Ogre Mage as a stat block. I like it as a whole bunch of things that aren't oni. For more generic demon, variant rakshasa, a goblinoid sorcerer literally swollen with power. There is very little I can't do with the concept "brawny wizard" as template. I bring it up here to briefly mourn its absence from OSE. Sure, sure, I can toss five or six levels of Magic-user on an ogre, hill giant, or troll stat block and call it a day. So, no big deal.
But, I also like it as a variant Hag which brings me to the crux of my "problem." The lack of coven rules. It's an easy fix for me. Three hags have access to more spells, recruit some minions, have a magic eye they can share, maybe enhanced alchemy with a big old cauldron. Easy. But, more than the Ogre Mage the lack of some rules for the hags included in AF (black hag, sea hag) to form a little gang feels like an actual oversight. More petty still, there are only two hags. They're great, but feel incomplete to me.
So, if some one is looking for an idea for their next Carcass Crawler submission might I suggest the humble hag coven and a third hag type as a topic? My creative plate is full and I might get to it, but I won't be mad if some one beats me to it.
How have you used Hags in your games? Do they remain kind of pop culture Halloween wicked witch, or do you go for more folkloric vibes? Are they isolationist hermits or manipulators of kings and wars?