Getting laughed at by multiple medical professionals because of my OCD.
Because of my contamination OCD I can't touch certain parts of my own body without needing to aggressively wash my hands, this has been the case since I was about 12 (I'm 27 now), it's part of my much broader contamination OCD that has made my life very difficult.
Anyway I recently developed a cyst on my testicle, it's very uncomfortable and causing me a lot of grief. I've been to see several doctors about it and had to get an ultrasound today as well which was frankly quite traumatic for me, I really struggle with being touched anywhere, let alone in such a sensitive and personal area. During these examinations I have of course had to hold and move things around for the doctor, to do this I have been using disposable rubber gloves, which has been met with laughter several times now. I even do my best to explain it to them first but I still get laughed at. These people have apologised to me but the laughter seems to be involuntary on their part, it's really degrading and has me genuinely feeling really embarrassed about my condition in a way I haven't been since high school.
To add insult to injury when I explained my OCD to the ultrasound technician his reply was "I think you really need to get over that" 😑