Help Regarding Trans OCD
Was wondering if anyone else feels like a repressed trans person who is using OCD as a crutch to avoid the inevitable acknowledgment of their own repressed gender dysphoria and necessity to transition to the opposite gender?
I have gone through OCD themes: schizophrenia, general mental health, HIV, sexuality, existential fears - and I have landed on this current theme of being trans. Does anyone feel like all their OCD themes before this were just symptoms of repressing trans identity? The repressed identity screaming "something is wrong?" Is this a normal pathway to realization? Do most trans people go through Pure O before they accept themselves?
I have scoured the internet trying to understand the lived experience of gender dysphoria but have gotten nowhere for years. I'm even convinced that feelings in my body are signs that my identity is beginning to physically reject them (with the mental rejection to necessarily follow at some point). I hope I'm not alone.
I also wonder if anyone has had the experience that people don't believe trans OCD is a legitimate theme. For example, I would constantly seek reassurance about HIV or schizophrenia or whether the universe is real and people would calm me and tell me that's not what's going on. (I understand this isn't healthy reassurance).
However, with trans OCD, I've stopped seeking reassurance because people will look at me concerned and suggest I likely need to explore my gender to come to acceptance and seek counselling to discuss gender issues. As a result of this I feel so much more shameful and isolated.