what are your "harmless" compulsions?
for the past couple years or so, whenever i am watching a show or movie, i have to rewind it if i can't remember EXACTLY what a character said, like their exact phrasing, even if it doesn't matter AT ALL. I get in a loop where i rewind it, hit play, forget to pay attention, and then have to rewind it again, sometimes four or five times. I also do it to read road signs or check what color a character's shirt was, but it's mostly with dialogue.
I consider it harmless because it doesn't cause me any anxiety other than a nagging feeling that i have to know what i missed, but it is annoying. it's kind of a relief to watch a movie with other people because then I don't have to do it lol. I kind of consider it a "side effect" of my OCD, not one of the fixations that causes me real problems. Anyone else have stuff like this that they care to share?