Telemark in April
Dear Norwegians,
I am mid 40s man from Germany who'll be visiting your home for the first time ever in the middle of April, about a month from today. My destination will be Telemark and I'll stay not too far from the eastern shore of lake Tinnsja. Everything is generally already planned ahead, but of course some insecurities and questions still remain. Maybe you guys can help me out.
Norway is considered quite expensive from an outsider's perspective. What can I expect for pay for a week as a single traveller when it comes to food? I have rented a house and will definitely be cooking most of the time as the next restaurant is about 25 km by car (at least that's what says). It's my "men's alone time" this year and I don't plan on being a cheapskate but would just like to know what I can expect to pay for week's supply of groceries for a carnivorous male, including maybe one to three beers in the evening. (One to three for the whole week, I am not a budding alcoholic!)
Same goes for fuel. How much is fuel outside of the big cities in Telemark at the moment? Googling turns up prices around 1,90 Euro (about 22 NOK) per Litre of Super 95. Is that correct?
I first thought of renting an electric car, but the next charging station is as far way as the restaurant. Or even further.
Can anyone of you suggest any sights or must-have-seens or must-have-dones in the Rjukan area? Depending on the weather I'd be willing to drive even longer distances if it's worth it.
On my "bucket list" is the Norsk Industriarbeidermuseum and the Gaustatoppen (going up by Gaustabanen). Apart from that I plan on hiking and visiting places around lake Tinnsja. Is the Hedalen stavkirke something I should have visited?
As my stay will be over the easter weekend, what can I expect? I've already learned that most shops will be closed, of course, not too different from Germany.
Does anyone know how active the amateur radio community is in Norway? Is it worthwhile bringing a radio or will I probably have not a single QSO, be it shortwave or VHF/UHF?
So many questions... Thanks for any answer and I'm really looking forward to seeing Norway for the first time!