Uniting the Nordics

How do you feel about uniting the Nordics into a union of countries? As a Swede, I am very much in favor of this idea, and while there are some major obstacles to overcome (EU membership, choosing a capital city, getting the peoples' support for unification etc.), I think it would be for the greater good of us all up here in the north - especially during these uncertain times of Russian aggression and American imperialism.

The population of the Nordic Union would be around 27,6 million people, and we would have a nominal GDP bigger than Russia. It would be the 7:th largest country by land area, bigger than India. One common military would strenghten the defense of northern Europe compared to having four/five separate ones, regardless of most of us already being allies.

We would all continue governing our countries with high levels of autonomy, but with a central Nordic government dealing with foreign policy, defense, trade etc. We would be a union of different cultures and continue speaking our languages, but to the rest of the world we would be one entity. A major powerhouse in Europe at the negotiating table, instead of five small nations with limited influence.

Let me be clear: this is NOT some Swedish nationalist dream. Quite the contrary - I think nationalism is one of the major obstacles of establishing this union. This would be a union more based on common values (such as the nordic model, equality, freedom of religion etc.), on geography, on military security, among other things.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share in the comments!

(Oh, and I also chose a flag for our new union, I hope that's ok!)

Med vänliga hälsningar, Martin från Uppsala, Sverige

How do you feel about uniting the Nordics into a union of countries? As a Swede, I am very much in favor of this idea, and while there are some major obstacles to overcome (EU membership, choosing a capital city, getting the peoples' support for unification etc.), I think it would be for the greater good of us all up here in the north - especially during these uncertain times of Russian aggression and American imperialism.

The population of the Nordic Union would be around 27,6 million people, and we would have a nominal GDP bigger than Russia. It would be the 7:th largest country by land area, bigger than India. One common military would strenghten the defense of northern Europe compared to having four/five separate ones, regardless of most of us already being allies.

We would all continue governing our countries with high levels of autonomy, but with a central Nordic government dealing with foreign policy, defense, trade etc. We would be a union of different cultures and continue speaking our languages, but to the rest of the world we would be one entity. A major powerhouse in Europe at the negotiating table, instead of five small nations with limited influence.

Let me be clear: this is NOT some Swedish nationalist dream. Quite the contrary - I think nationalism is one of the major obstacles of establishing this union. This would be a union more based on common values (such as the nordic model, equality, freedom of religion etc.), on geography, on military security, among other things.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share in the comments!

(Oh, and I also chose a flag for our new union, I hope that's ok!)

Med vänliga hälsningar, Martin från Uppsala, Sverige