What lyric made your heart stop, made you really think about it, or gave you a realization?
My daughter turned me onto Noah after the hours of listening in the car. I don’t know a lot of back story about him or the meanings of his songs, so I interpret them my own way.
One day, orange juice hit my soul in a way I can’t shake. I couldn’t figure out what kind of scenario this song was portraying but the line when he says “ Feels like I’ve been ready for you to come home for so long that I didn’t think to ask you where you’ve been….. so why’d you go” just hit me like a ton of bricks one day. It made me think about my daughter’s absent dad, and my own absent dad. I didn’t think to ask you where you’ve been……. And I still didn’t….. I’m asking WHY’d you go. My daughter said that gave her goose bumps during our discussion and then elaborated…. Yeah he’s so hurt that he doesn’t care where the person went, he now just wants to know why.
Has this kind of realization or relating to a song happened to you?