How do I stop thinking about women and masturbating all the time?
Within the last few months I have developed a huge problem, and it's that I'm thinking about women almost 24/7. It's reached a peak as of recently, and it is actually ruining my life.
I also have an addiction to masturbation, which I've had for a few years, but it's gotten pretty bad as of recently. I've tried nofap a few times, and actually did over a month once, but now the most I can do is 2-3 days.
I'm 18, and I'm working really hard to build myself up and achieve my dreams. These addictions control and destroy many young men's lives, but I want to defeat them. I'm certain that if I do I will be nearly unstoppable.
And don't get me wrong, I definitely want to find a beautiful girl to spend the rest of my life with, but I want to learn how to function just as good being single, and view having a girl as a nice addition to my life, rather being most of what I think about.