I used to be a serious nitrous lover. Until I bought a pulse oximeter and realized that I was spending wayyy too much in a hypoxic SpO2 level

Don’t get me wrong, a few chargers once in a blue moon isn’t going to hurt you to a noticeable extent. But once you start running through cases of charges or tanks in one night, I guarantee you’re causing yourself some degree of hypoxic brain damage.

I strongly suggest everyone buy a pulse oximeter so you can at least be aware of how dangerous this stuff is and reassess. After just a couple hits I would get well below 88% blood oxygen level, sometimes reaching below 60% which in the medical field is deemed a medical emergency. After just 4 minutes in this state brain cell death begins to occur.

For those who like to do nitrous with psychedelics, I recommend just finding a solid ketamine plug. It’s honestly way more enjoyable anyways.