My family still can’t grasp the concept that 1pm for them, is 1am for me.
Edit: Thanks everyone for all of your comments and support. I was really pissed when I made this post and since then I have had a serious talk with him. I took this job to unload some of the stress off my husband because he was working 10-12 hour shifts so we could afford nice things in life. - I told him this was the last job I’d take before our youngest starts school next fall, and if he didn’t support me and let me sleep this was it. He’d be stuck doing it alone until then. He apologized to me and has been supportive since that night. Been getting 7 hours of sleep the last two days and he’s been helping me with the kids when he gets up to go to work so it’s not all on me every morning.
Original post: My husband, bless is soul just woke me up to a nice home cooked meal. While I am grateful, I am also really pissed off. I have explained to him for years now that my time is AM. My alarm is set for 4:30pm. I went to bed at 8am and after being woken up multiple times already to doors slamming, kids running through the house, yelling and screaming, I didn’t want to be disturbed until my alarm went off.
What’s worse. Is if I say anything to him about it, I’m the bitch and he will never make me food again. This has been an issue for me since 2016 when I first started working overnight shift. I have had to quit every job because I get to the point where I’m so exhausted and sleep deprived I go insane. Now I have a really good job again, he’s fucking doing it again. I get attitude for saying I’m tired, and he makes under breath comments like “she’s going to bed again?”
Like fucking YES. I’m exhausted! I work labor, 10 hour shifts. I’m gone for over 11 hours a day. I get one day where he’s home to help me with the kids. He snores like a fucking Mac truck and refuses to sleep in the other room so I can’t even sleep on my days off when I want. I hate my fucking life.
He just doesn’t fucking get it and I want to scream so badly.