I struggled to find work, so I started making YouTube videos, this is what happened.

In Uni, I did a Business Masters and quickly found a job doing Marketing for a company. I really hated it because while I had the tertiary qualifications, this job wasn't teaching me anything about the industry and I just sat a desk bored all day doing nothing.

I quit, which my mates said was maybe not a great idea because the job market at the time was pretty bad and I was struggling. I had a part time hustle to keep things going, but I needed something more stable yet I was struggling to get a job I wanted because everyone wanted experience despite me having a pretty good degree.

I thought screw it, I'm good at writing, I'm sure there is something I can do. I decided to write some opinion pieces on video games (reviews and retrospectives) and posted them to YouTube. I have had no experience doing video editing, or productions so things were slow. The only thing I would say I was naturally decent at was writing the actual content, but the video production part was a big struggle.

I hit 1000 subs, and got the partner goal and I was really happy. Still wasn't making much money, but ok I discovered I could build something. All of a sudden when I went to job interviews, I could showcase how I built up a community, how I knew how to write content, publish content and I had these other skills outside of my degree. Btw whenever I got asked the "Name a time where you had to complete a task but didn't know how to do", I could point to my channel and showcase the quality. It was especially heartwarming when people commented things like "How do you not have more subs".

Eventually I landed a job and I've been super happy to work with a team that just gives me the freedom to put my own flair in my work. I still do the marketing and business sales stuff that I'm qualified in, but I play a key role in managing the social media content for the business and so far everything has been working out.

But the part that really made my day, was at a work event, I got introduced to some board member who I previously had never met before, and he said "Oh you're the guy who does the game reviews?! I actually saw one of your videos and shared it with my son, really liked your stuff."

My point is that I was someone who crawled through this page a lot when I quit my job to start my channel, and I didn't really know what would happen. But, by believing in myself and listening to some of the great advice from the people in the community, I got to learn a lot and am in a really great place. I still make videos and who knows, maybe one day my content will get really good where I can do this full time, but this experience has helped me immensely, I'm sure there are other people who are maybe in a similar position to where I was, so I just wanted to share this and let those people know that nothing you do is wasted. Even if you make a video that bombs and gets no views, you can still learn something from that experience which will improve you for next time.

Don't worry about hitting the crazy big numbers, just focus on bettering yourself, and always learning. Success will come in one form or another! Best of luck!