I'm so nervous about my first upload.
(I didn't know what flair to use.)
I'm uploading my first videos tomorrow. I say "videoS" because I'm uploading 3. MatPat gave the advice of uploading multiple videos at first, as it gives viewers a place to go after watching your video. Should I actually do that, though? I'm worried YouTube will think I'm a bot.
I've been working on this channel for a while now. (Over half a year), and so I'm so worried that the videos will just flop. I'm not saying I'm expecting 10k views, but I don't know what to do (other than keep moving forward) if each video gets like... 2 views.
When I was 12, I made a YouTube channel, and my first video got around 70 views, even though it was awful. (Terrible quality, super cheesy, awkward long pauses between each line, no background music, white noise from the phone mic, no custom thumbnail, baby face, etc.) I'd say these new videos are actually really good, and at a quality that I'd happily watch without even questioning whether it were a small channel or not. I'm just really nervous about if they flop, and needed somewhere to rant.
I'm going to sleep for now, so sorry if I take a while to reply.
Thank you for reading. :)