You probably have a bigger influence than you think!
So, I was just looking at my analytics earlier and saw that a lot of my traffic comes from search, because people search for T13 videos. (Action figures) But I noticed that hundreds of people actually search my channel by name! Hundreds of people like my content enough to search my channel name to watch more videos! This really gave me a burst of joy, knowing that I have loyal fans who come back and watch multiple videos. My channel isn't huge, only 18.7K subscribers. But I didn't ever think for a second that I had very much authority or influence in my niche, but I'm slowly realizing I do! Also, I just remembered another story similar to this. I posted on my videos in a subreddit, and someone commented on it saying "Hey you're the dad's fight creator" (the video was about 2 dads fighting) "I loved that video so much, I shared it with all my friends!" Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, you may be more successful or popular than you think. Don't doubt yourself, you're good at what you do, no one can replace you. Keep up the hard work!