Can’t handle all the emotions postpartum

I gave birth to my first baby 4 days ago and the mixture of emotions I am experiencing is driving me crazy.

Whenever I look at my baby, I feel so much love and tenderness that I start sobbing. Even looking at his things (especially socks for some reason) is making my cry. This morning I held that little bracelet he had in the hospital and broke down in tears.

I am so happy yet so scared for him without any rational reason. I constantly check if he’s breathing, literally every 30 seconds, I can’t sleep even when I get the chance because I he looks so defenceless and fragile that I’m scared to leave him even for a minute. I imagine him as a kid or teenager, think about the fact that he will have to go through some bad things in his life, and it breaks my heart and I start crying again.

I am also weirdly sad, especially when the evening comes, not in a depressed way, but in a way similar to when you look at your old childhood pictures and smile through your tears.

My husband is supportive but he can’t fully understand my feelings. And I they are literally tearing me apart from inside. Is it a normal thing to experience? Does it ever end?