Waking baby before work?
Hi all- I work in medicine and switched to three 12-hour shifts to get an extra day at home with our 5 month old daughter. I work in surgery so my mornings are very early. Since going back to work for the past month I have been waking her at 5:45am to feed her her first bottle and get a chance to see her for the day. Ideally she is asleep before I get home by 7:30pm (but we have varying levels of success with that at night- she sometimes loses her ever-loving mind on my poor husband when he tries to put her down).
I am worried I’m doing the wrong thing by waking her up early to see her and feel guilty that I should be letting her sleep more, or getting her on a more “normal” sleep schedule like 7-7 or something… but then I would literally not see her 3 whole days of every week which kills me inside. I will say a lot of the time she is waking up at ~5:30am when I’m trying to get a quick pump in before waking her. I just don’t know if this is when she would naturally be waking if I didn’t have her on this schedule.
Do any other parents out here have a job you have to go to work early for? What do would you do? Any advice?