I’m so angry

My LO is 7mo and he is back to waking every 1.5-2 hours. I am sooo pissed at my husband, he doesn’t help at night at all. We both work FT and I have to get up at 5:30, he gets to sleep until 7.

Pediatrician told my husband he needs to help in the middle of the night so we can night wean and I can get sleep but he won’t. He will throw a hissy fit if I wake him and I don’t want him hurting our son because of his short temper (please don’t lecture me on this).

I’m left to do this on my own. Baby goes down fine during the day for naps, but lately it’s been a shit show at night. He gets pissed and wants to nurse to sleep no matter how much I’ve nursed him before during the bedtime routine.

He’s not sleep trained and I’m definitely coming around to it but I’ve come to the conclusion it will have to be CIO and that breaks my heart. He will go to sleep independently sometimes at daycare.

I’ve heard you don’t want to start CIO in the middle of the night but what am I supposed to do to night wean without my son getting pissed I’m not nursing him back to sleep. Just went over 30 minutes of trying to rock, bounce and just let him cry in the crib and the screaming never stopped until I finally nursed him. He won’t soothe in the crib when he wakes up. When he wakes up, I let him whine for however long he’ll go before he starts crying, should I just let him cry?