Can’t figure out nap schedule
I’m struggling with my LOs nap schedule and need some advice. I think bedtime is too late for a 7:15 wake up and he is sort of in between 2 and 3 naps per day which is causing bedtime to be late. Want to hear opinions on this.
He is 6.5mo.
Wake up 7/7:15am First nap around 9:30/10 (45minutes) Second nap around 1:30 (1.5hrs) Third nap around 5:15 (I don’t let him sleep past 6 if he doesn’t wake up on his own)
Bedtime is around 8-8:30 but sometimes 9 if he sleeps until 6pm.
Huckleberry is saying his 3 nap/day averages at 2.5/3/2.5/3. Also, we always have a false start, every night.