8 week old won’t sleep during the night. We’re falling apart.

Hi! My husband and I are new parents. For the past two weeks our baby girl has not slept during the night. It’s gotten to the point that my husband has to take her for a drive at 5 am to make sure she sleeps for 30 mins.

I am desperate for us to get a decent night sleep. We’re not sure what we’re doing wrong, I understand they go through sleep regression or developmental leaps but I’m starting to think this is not normal. She’s hitting two months this upcoming Saturday and we have her check up on Monday but does anyone have any advice or tips?

I’m starting to hate being a mother.

Edit post: just to answer some questions. We feed on demand- so every 2 hrs or so. I nurse but I mostly give pump and give bottle. We give almost a 100 ml I’ve tried increasing little by little but there’s a lot of spittle when I try giving her more. When I do nurse I let her take control sometimes she can be on one breast for close to 25 mins.

Her sleeping situation is on a bassinet in our room. We have blinds and black out curtains, sound machine, humidifier. I turn on white noise and red light.

During the daytime we are active, tummy time, I do massages or small exercises. We take her to the living room and have tv on the background, we move her bassinet next to the window so there’s sunlight around her. Our apt is not that big and we have a dog so there is constant noise during the day. We go for walks weather permit and my husband and I take turns carrying her.

As for sleep we have started taking shifts he does it from from 12 am to 5 am, walks with her, has her on his chest, has bottles in case she is hungry but all she does is cry. Once I take over I feed and she passes out on my chest until 8 and then repeat again. We also have to hold her up for 30 mins or so after feeding due to her spital or reflux.

We’ve let her sleep during the day or we’ve kept her active and no luck.

I feel like we’ve done a lot of the things mentioned with no luck…