Feeling like I’m not doing enough..

Hi! First time mom here & this week my LO (week 10-11) has been more tired than usual , drooling alot , and overall just plain cranky lol which I don’t mind because I love to snuggle him .

However , with him napping more than usual , I can’t help but feel guilty about not doing anything other than , feeding , changing , some occasional sensory videos & putting him down for a nap…. ON REPEAT!

Prior to this week , he was loving tummy time , interacting with me holding up toys in front of him , hell even smiling more . Now he wants nothing to do with any of that , he’ll just fuss …

I feel like I’m failing .. he should be learning & I should be teaching him things ( for his age bracket) i don’t know . I just wanted this to be out out there , so I feel heard.