Seperatist's hypocrisy
WARNING: I do not intend to offend our Turkic brethren. I just want to showcase this Seperatist's hypocrisy. I do not support any kind of seperatism in the Middle East nor should anyone be judged based on their ethnicities.
CONTEXT: During a HOI4 Twitch live stream it was leaked that there will be a Kurdistan focus tree so this "Iranian nationalist" said that Kurdish Seperatism doesn't make sense and called himself Iranian. However, his hatred of Kurds was abnormal so I started going through his comment history. It turns out the dude is not only a seperatist Azerbaijani and (No offense to our Turkish hamvatans) also an Ethno-Nationalist. My favorite comments he posted is: 1-Says that Khamenei is half-persian half-Arab because he is a sayyid and that knowing and growing up in an Azerbaijani household doesn't make someone Azerbaijani and that he is not genetically Azerbaijani 2-Says Azerbaijanis are not Iranians 3-Calls himself Iranian when convinient as shown in the pic. Truly a two-faced seperatist.
TL;DR: Dude supports his own ethnicity's separatism and yet opposes other separatists from other ethnic background
WARNING: I do not intend to offend our Turkic brethren. I just want to showcase this Seperatist's hypocrisy. I do not support any kind of seperatism in the Middle East nor should anyone be judged based on their ethnicities.
CONTEXT: During a HOI4 Twitch live stream it was leaked that there will be a Kurdistan focus tree so this "Iranian nationalist" said that Kurdish Seperatism doesn't make sense and called himself Iranian. However, his hatred of Kurds was abnormal so I started going through his comment history. It turns out the dude is not only a seperatist Azerbaijani and (No offense to our Turkish hamvatans) also an Ethno-Nationalist. My favorite comments he posted is: 1-Says that Khamenei is half-persian half-Arab because he is a sayyid and that knowing and growing up in an Azerbaijani household doesn't make someone Azerbaijani and that he is not genetically Azerbaijani 2-Says Azerbaijanis are not Iranians 3-Calls himself Iranian when convinient as shown in the pic. Truly a two-faced seperatist.
TL;DR: Dude supports his own ethnicity's separatism and yet opposes other separatists from other ethnic background